Arizona Childproofer
Important Dates
9/1 - 9/7 National Childhood Injury Prevention Week
9/15 Tackle Kids Cancer Day
9/19 - 9/25 Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week
9/25 National Seat Check Saturday
Having a baby is such a wonderful experience and can impact your life for the better. There are also many new responsibilities to make sure your child is in a safe environment to learn and grow. This month's newsletter is focused on baby safety and ways to keep your child safe in different environments, so you can enjoy watching them discover the new world around them.

Baby Safety Month is held in September because it's the 9th month of the year!
According to Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, "JPMA initiated Baby Safety Month to educate parents and caregivers on the importance of the safe use and selection of juvenile products. The campaign started when JPMA initiated "Expectant Mother's Day." In 1986, it was extended to a week-long celebration, until 1991, when JPMA sponsored the first "Baby Safety Awareness Month." Since then, every September has been designated as Baby Safety Month."
Child Safety Tips
The A B Cs of Safe Sleep
- Baby sleeps ALONE, not with anyone else in their bed.
- Baby sleeps on their BACK, not on their side or stomach.
- Baby sleeps in a CRIB, with only a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet.
- BARE IS BEST! No pillows, blankets, toys in the crib that could create suffocation or choking hazards.
- Nothing should be hanging over the crib or be within 3 feet of it.
When thinking about in-home safety hazards, think
- If my child got a hold of this, would it hurt them?
- If they got a hold of this and it broke, would it hurt them?
- If they got a hold of this and destroyed it, would I be sad?
Some common things to keep in mind and best practice are:
- sharp, glass, and toxic products like cleaning supplies should be locked away with magnetic cabinet locks
- stairs should have hardware-mounted gates at the top and bottom
- anchor all heavy furniture (if it is taller than it is wide, ANCHOR IT)
- use outlet covers in all of baby's areas (single plastic plug-ins are a choking hazard, best practice is to use sliding outlet covers)
When thinking about safety hazards in the pool area, think LAYERS of PROTECTION such as:
- locks/chimes on doors and windows
- pool barriers
- life jackets
- CPR and swim lessons
- water watcher
Product Safety
It is best to use JPMA Certified products and use them correctly every time, as the manufacturer intended. Also, keep up with child product recalls that are listed at the bottom of this newsletter. You can also check for past and present recalls.
Child Passenger Safety
All 50 states require the use of a car seat.
Your responsibilities include choosing a safe car seat, installing it properly, and using it for every car ride from baby's first ride until they meet the requirements of your state law that say it is safe to remove them.
Children should be rear-facing until they meet the maximum height OR weight requirements allowed by the manufacturer's instructions. Then, they should be front-facing with a harness until they meet height OR weight limits per manufacturer's instructions. After that, they should ride in a booster seat until seat belts alone fit CORRECTLY (usually around 4' 9").
Do not use a car seat or booster car seat that:
- is used, especially if it is more than eight years old.
- has ever been involved in a crash.
- is missing the manufacturer's label showing the name of the manufacturer, model number, and date of manufacture.
Car seats expire! Check your labels for the expiration date
This and more information was found at
#TackleKidsCancer is dedicated to funding the research we need to help our youngest patients. Join TKC this September, and help tackle childhood cancer. #ResearchMatters #morethan4 #childhoodcancer #pediatriccancer Learn more at
August 26, 2021 CPSC; Ryan and Rose Recalls Children’s Eating Utensils Due to Choking Hazard (Recall Alert)
August 25, 2021 CPSC; Wee Gallery Recalls Wooden Tray Puzzles Due to Choking Hazard
August 19, 2021 CPSC; Infant Bath Seats Recalled Due to Drowning Hazard; Imported by Frieyss and Sold Exclusively on (Recall Alert)
August 18, 2021 CPSC; Nordstrom Recalls Children’s Socks Due to Choking Hazard
August 18, 2021 CPSC; Primark Recalls Scent Stamper Pens Due to Elevated Levels of Benzyl Alcohol; Risk of Skin Irritation
August 18, 2021 CPSC; Hallmark Recalls Teethers Due to Choking Hazard
August 17, 2021 CPSC; Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard
July 29, 2021 CPSC; Children’s Sleepwear Recalled Due to Violation of Federal Flammability Standard and Burn Hazard; Sold Exclusively by Zoetop Business Co. Ltd. at (Recall Alert)
July 28, 2021 CPSC; Children’s Pajamas Recalled Due to Violation of Federal Flammability Standard and Burn Hazard; Manufactured by Tkala Fashion; Sold Exclusively on
July 28, 2021 CPSC; Birkenstock USA Recalls Kids’ Mogami Sandals Due to Choking Hazard
July 22, 2021 CPSC; Bel Furniture Recalls Barrington 5-Drawer Chests Due to Tip-Over and Entrapment Hazards; Sold Exclusively at Bel Furniture (Recall Alert)
July 14, 2021 CPSC; Academy Sports + Outdoors Recalls Ozone 500 Girls’ and Boys’ Elevate 24-Inch Bicycles Due to Fall and Injury Hazards
July 14, 2021 CPSC; Walgreens Recalls Disney Baby Winnie the Pooh Rattle Sets Due to Choking Hazard
July 8, 2021 CPSC; Canyon Furniture Recalls Creekside Children’s Chests of Drawers Due to Tip-Over and Entrapment Hazards; Sold Exclusively at Rooms To Go (Recall Alert)
July 7, 2021 CPSC; One Twenty Clothing Company Recalls “Sovereign Athletic” Children’s Robes Due to Violation of Federal Flammability Standard and Burn Hazard